Variable CL9 : Hours worked on other family work

Type: Continuous
Format: numeric
Width: 2
Decimal(s): 0
Range: 0-99
Valid case(s): 116 (64.4)
Invalid: 33157 (28098.7)
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 99

File: hl

Children aged 5-14
Source of information
Mother or caretaker of the child


Value Category
98 DK
99 Missing
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

If yes:
Literal question
Since last (day of the week), about how many hours did he/she do this work?
Interviewer instructions
Insert the estimated number of hours worked. Again, make sure the mother/primary caretaker understands what you mean by 'since last (day of the week)' - specify the name of today's weekday, just as you did for CL4 and CL7.
Generated: MAR-07-2008 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit