
Cases 33273
Variable(s) 178
Structure Type: relational
Key(s):  HH1  ( Cluster number ) , HH2  ( Household number ) , LN  ( Line number )
Version Dataset version 1.0 (May, 2007) - used for preparation of final report tabulations
Producer Dataset produced by Statistical Office of Republic of Serbia and Strategic Marketing Research Agency
Missing Data

Variables List

# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
1 sr Teritory Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0  
2 HH6 Type of settlement Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0  
3 HH7 Region Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0  
4 HH1 Cluster number Continuous numeric 3.0 33273 0  
5 HH2 Household number Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
6 LN Line number Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
7 HL2A Activity of HH members Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0  
8 HL3 Relationship to the head Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0 What is the relationship of (name) to the head of the household?
9 HL4 Sex Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Is (name) male or female?
10 HL5 Age Continuous numeric 3.0 33273 0 How old is (name)? How old was (name) on his/her last birthday?
11 HL5AD Day of birth Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0 Date of (name's ) birth?
12 HL5AM Month of birth Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0 Date of (name's ) birth?
13 HL5AY Year of birth Continuous numeric 4.0 33273 0 Date of (name's ) birth?
14 HL6 Line number of eligible women Continuous numeric 1.0 33273 0  
15 HL7 Line number of mother/caretaker for child labor module Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0 Who is the mother or primary caretaker of this child?
16 HL8 Line number of mother/caretaker for child health module Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0 Who is the mother or primary caretaker of this child?
17 HL9 Mother alive Discrete numeric 1.0 9663 23610 Is (name's) natural mother alive?
18 HL10 Mother line number in HH Continuous numeric 2.0 9486 23787 Does (name's) natural mother live in this household?
19 HL11 Father alive Discrete numeric 1.0 9663 23610 Is (name's) natural father alive?
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
20 HL12 Father line number in HH Continuous numeric 2.0 9347 23926 Does (name's) natural father live in this household?
21 ED1 Line number Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
22 ED2 Ever attended school Discrete numeric 1.0 29435 3838 Has (name) ever attended school or preschool?
23 ED3A Highest level of school attended Discrete numeric 1.0 26886 6387 What is the highest level of school (name) attended?
24 ED3B Highest grade at level Continuous numeric 2.0 26886 6387 What is the highest grade (name) completed at this level?
25 ED4 Currently attending school during the school year (2004-2005 Discrete numeric 1.0 7812 25461 During the (2004-2005) school year, did (name) attend school or preschool at any time?
26 ED5 Days attended school in last week Continuous numeric 1.0 5225 28048 Since last (day of the week), how many days did (name) attend school?
27 ED6A Level of education attended Discrete numeric 1.0 5225 28048 During this/that school year, which level and grade is/was (name) attending?
28 ED6B Grade of education attended Continuous numeric 2.0 5225 28048 During this/that school year, which level and grade is/was (name) attending?
29 ED7 Attended school last year (2003-2004) Discrete numeric 1.0 7812 25461 Did (name) attend school or preschool at any time during the previous school year, that is (2003-2004)?
30 ED8A Level of education attended last year Discrete numeric 1.0 5020 28253 During that previous school year, which level and grade did (name) attend?
31 ED8B Grade of education attended last year Continuous numeric 2.0 5020 28253 During that previous school year, which level and grade did (name) attend?
32 ED9 Preschool atentadncy in last 6 months Discrete numeric 1.0 475 32798 Did (name) attend pre-school institution for at least 2 hours in 6 months during last 12 ?
33 EA1 Line number Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
34 ED10 School distance Continuous numeric 3.0 5224 28049 What is the distance in kilometers from house/flat to school which (name of child) attends?
35 ED11 Type of transportation Discrete numeric 1.0 4939 28334 How does (name of child) usually go to school?
36 ED12 Monthly expenditure for transportation Continuous numeric 5.0 1239 32034 What is (name of child's) total monthly cost of transportation to school and back from school?
37 ED13 Time needed Continuous numeric 3.0 4939 28334  
38 CL1 Line number Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
39 CL3 Worked in past week Discrete numeric 1.0 4678 28595 During the past week, did (name) do any kind of work for someone who is not a member of this household? If yes: For pay in cash or kind?
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
40 CL4 Hours worked in past week Continuous numeric 2.0 259 33014 Since last (day of the week), about how many hours did he/she do this work for someone who is not a member of this household?
41 CL5 Worked in past year Discrete numeric 1.0 4419 28854 At any time during the past year, did (name) do any kind of work for someone who is not a member of this household? If yes: For pay in cash or kind?
42 CL6 Helped with household chores in past week Discrete numeric 1.0 4678 28595 During the past week, did (name) help with household chores such as shopping, collecting firewood, cleaning, fetching water, or caring for children?
43 CL7 Hours spent on chores in past week Continuous numeric 2.0 2253 31020 Since last (day of the week), about how many hours did he/she spend doing these chores?
44 CL8 Did other family work in past week Discrete numeric 1.0 4678 28595 During the past week, did (name) do any other family work (on the farm or in a business or selling goods in the street?)
45 CL9 Hours worked on other family work Continuous numeric 2.0 116 33157 Since last (day of the week), about how many hours did he/she do this work?
46 DA1 Line number Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
47 DA3 Delay in sitting, standing or walking Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 Compared with other children, does or did (name) have any serious delay in sitting, standing, or walking?
48 DA4 Difficulty seeing Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 Compared with other children, does (name) have difficulty seeing, either in the daytime or at night?
49 DA5 Difficulty hearing Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 Does (name) appear to have difficulty hearing? (uses hearing aid, hears with difficulty, completely deaf?)
50 DA6 Understands Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 When you tell (name) to do something, does he/she seem to understand what you are saying?
51 DA7 Difficulty walking Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 Does (name) have difficulty in walking or moving his/her arms or does he/she have weakness and/or stiffness in the arms or legs?
52 DA8 Fits, rigid or lose conciousness Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 Does (name) sometimes have fits, become rigid, or lose consciousness?
53 DA9 Learns like other children Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 Does (name) learn to do things like other children his/her age?
54 DA10 Speaks Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 Does (name) speak at all (can he/she make him or herself understood in words; can say any recognizable words)?
55 DA11 Speech different Discrete numeric 1.0 4039 29234 Is (name)'s speech in any way different from normal (not clear enough to be understood by people other than the immediate family)?
56 DA12 Names objects Discrete numeric 1.0 790 32483 Can (name) name at least one object (for example, an animal, a toy, a cup, a spoon)?
57 DA13 Mentally backward Discrete numeric 1.0 4829 28444 Compared with other children of the same age, does (name) appear in any way mentally backward, dull or slow?
58 HH3 Interviewer number Continuous numeric 5.0 33273 0  
59 HH4 Supervisor Number Continuous numeric 5.0 33273 0  
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
60 HH5D Day of interview Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
61 HH5M Month of interview Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
62 HH5Y Year of interview Continuous numeric 4.0 33273 0  
63 HH9 Result of HH interview Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0  
64 HH10 Respondent HH questionnaire Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
65 HH11 Number of household members Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
66 HH12 Total eligible women Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
67 HH13 Women interviews completed Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
68 HH14 Total children under 5 Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
69 HH15 Child interviews completed Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
70 HH16 Data entry clerk Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
71 WS1 Main source of drinking water Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0 What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household?
72 WS2 Main source of water used for other purposes (if bottled wat Discrete numeric 2.0 1491 31782 What is the main source of water used by your household for other purposes such as cooking and handwashing?
73 WS3 Time to get water and come back Continuous numeric 3.0 6844 26429 How long does it take to go there, get water, and come back?
74 WS4 Person fetching water Discrete numeric 1.0 2085 31188 Who usually goes to this source to fetch the water for your household? Probe: Is this person under age 15? What sex?
75 WS5 Treat water to make safer for drinking Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Do you treat your water in any way to make it safer to drink?
76 WS6A Boil Discrete character 1 590 0 What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? Anything else?
77 WS6B Add bleach/chlorine Discrete character 1 272 0 What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? Anything else?
78 WS6C Strain it through a cloth Discrete character 1 5 0 What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? Anything else?
79 WS6D Use water filter Discrete character 1 489 0 What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? Anything else?
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
80 WS6E Solar disinfection Discrete character 1 0 0 What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? Anything else?
81 WS6F Let it stand and settle Discrete character 1 80 0 What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? Anything else?
82 WS6X Other Discrete character 1 330 0 What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? Anything else?
83 WS6Z DK Discrete character 1 18 0 What do you usually do to the water to make it safer to drink? Anything else?
84 WS7 Kind of toilet facility Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0 What kind of toilet facility do members of your household usually use? If "flush" or "pour flush", probe: Where does it flush to?
85 WS8 Toilet facility shared Discrete numeric 1.0 32864 409 Do you share this facility with other households?
86 WS9 Households using this toilet facility Continuous numeric 2.0 1981 31292 How many households in total use this toilet facility?
87 HC1A Religion Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0 What is the religion of the head of this household?
88 HC1B Mother tongue Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0 What is the mother tongue/native language of the head of this household?
89 HC1BL Local variable used for merging with other files Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
90 HC1C Ethnicity Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0 To what ethnic group does the head of this household belong?
91 NOVAHC2 Area of house Continuous numeric 4.0 33273 0  
92 NOVAHC2A Rooms in house Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
93 HC2 Number of rooms for sleeping Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0 How many rooms in this household are used for sleeping?
94 HC3 Main material of floor Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0  
95 HC4 Main material of roof Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0  
96 HC5 Main material of wall Discrete numeric 2.0 33273 0  
97 HC6 Type of fuel using for cooking Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0 What type of fuel does your household mainly use for cooking?
98 HC7 Food cooked on stove or open fire Discrete numeric 1.0 16088 17185 In this household, is food cooked on an open fire, an open stove or a closed stove?
99 HC7A Does the fire stove have a chimney or a hood Discrete numeric 1.0 421 32852 Does the fire/stove have a chimney or a hood?
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
100 HC8 Cooking location Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Is the cooking usually done in the house, in a separate building, or outdoors?
101 HC9A Electricity Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
102 HC9B Radio Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
103 HC9C Television Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
104 HC9D Non-mobile phone Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
105 HC9E Refrigerator Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
106 HC9F Water heater Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
107 HC9G Washing mashine Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
108 HC9H Dishwashing machine Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
109 HC9I Computer Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
110 HC9J Air conditioner Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
111 HC9K Central heating Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does your household have:
112 HC10A Mobile Telephone Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does any member of your household own:
113 HC10B Bicycle Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does any member of your household own:
114 HC10C Motorcycle or scooter Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does any member of your household own:
115 HC10D Tractor Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does any member of your household own:
116 HC10E Car Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does any member of your household own:
117 HC10F Truck Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does any member of your household own:
118 HC10G Mothor boat Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does any member of your household own:
119 NOVAHC10A Subjectiv perception about household standard Continuous numeric 1.0 33273 0  
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
120 NOVAHC10B Subjectiv perception about minimum income that would cover households monthly needs Continuous numeric 6.0 33273 0  
121 HC11 Does any member of your household own any land for agriculture Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does any member of this household own any land that can be used for agriculture?
122 HC12 How many hectares of agriculture Continuous numeric 7.0 9077 24196 How many hectares of agricultural land do members of this household own?
123 HC13 Does this household own any livestock, heds, or animals Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Does this household own any livestock, herds, or farm animals?
124 HC14A Number of cattle Continuous numeric 3.0 10355 22918 How many of the following animals does this household have?
125 HC14B Number of milk cows or bulls Continuous numeric 3.0 10355 22918 How many of the following animals does this household have?
126 HC14C Number of horses donkeys, or mules Continuous numeric 3.0 10355 22918 How many of the following animals does this household have?
127 HC14D Number of goats Continuous numeric 3.0 10355 22918 How many of the following animals does this household have?
128 HC14E Number of sheep Continuous numeric 3.0 10355 22918 How many of the following animals does this household have?
129 HC14F Number of chickens Continuous numeric 3.0 10355 22918 How many of the following animals does this household have?
130 HC14G Number of pigs Continuous numeric 3.0 10355 22918 How many of the following animals does this household have?
131 HC14H Number of beehives Continuous numeric 3.0 10355 22918 How many of the following animals does this household have?
132 HC15A Own or rent Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Do you or someone in this household own this dwelling, or do you rent this dwelling?
133 NOVAHC15A2 Owner line number Continuous numeric 2.0 27595 5678  
134 HC15B Have title deed Discrete numeric 1.0 27595 5678 Do you or someone in this household have a title deed for this dwelling?
135 HC15CA Certificate of occupation Discrete character 1 225 0 What kind of document do you have for the ownership of this dwelling? Anything else?
136 HC15CB Property tax certification Discrete character 1 1391 0 What kind of document do you have for the ownership of this dwelling? Anything else?
137 HC15CC Utility bills Discrete character 1 1360 0 What kind of document do you have for the ownership of this dwelling? Anything else?
138 HC15CX Other Discrete character 1 152 0 What kind of document do you have for the ownership of this dwelling? Anything else?
139 HC15CY None/no document Discrete character 1 1136 0 What kind of document do you have for the ownership of this dwelling? Anything else?
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
140 HC15D Written rental contract Discrete numeric 1.0 5678 27595 Do you have a written rental contract for this dwelling?
141 HC15EA Informal agreement (written) Discrete character 1 130 0 Do you have any documentation or agreement for the rental of this dwelling? Ifyes: What kind of document or agreement do you have for the rental of this dwelling? Anything else?
142 HC15EB Verbal agreement (no document) Discrete character 1 2690 0 Do you have any documentation or agreement for the rental of this dwelling? Ifyes: What kind of document or agreement do you have for the rental of this dwelling? Anything else?
143 HC15EC Occupied rent free with knowledge of owner Discrete character 1 1699 0 Do you have any documentation or agreement for the rental of this dwelling? Ifyes: What kind of document or agreement do you have for the rental of this dwelling? Anything else?
144 HC15ED Occupied rent free without knowledge of owner Discrete character 1 113 0 Do you have any documentation or agreement for the rental of this dwelling? Ifyes: What kind of document or agreement do you have for the rental of this dwelling? Anything else?
145 HC15EX Other Discrete character 1 279 0 Do you have any documentation or agreement for the rental of this dwelling? Ifyes: What kind of document or agreement do you have for the rental of this dwelling? Anything else?
146 HC15EY None/no document Discrete character 1 955 0 Do you have any documentation or agreement for the rental of this dwelling? Ifyes: What kind of document or agreement do you have for the rental of this dwelling? Anything else?
147 HC15F Feel secure from eviction Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Do you feel secure from eviction from this dwelling?
148 HC15G Evicted during past 15 years Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0 Have you been evicted from your home at any time during the past 5 years?
149 HC15HA Landslide area Discrete character 1 578 0  
150 HC15HB Flood-prone area Discrete character 1 3549 0  
151 HC15HC River bank Discrete character 1 2267 0  
152 HC15HD Steep hill Discrete character 1 3477 0  
153 HC15HE Garbage mountain/pile Discrete character 1 2813 0  
154 HC15HF Industrial pollution area Discrete character 1 2195 0  
155 HC15HG Railroad Discrete character 1 1640 0  
156 HC15HH Power plant Discrete character 1 386 0  
157 HC15HI Flyover Discrete character 1 161 0  
158 HC15HY None of the above Discrete character 1 22075 0  
159 HC15IA Cracks/openings in the wall Discrete character 1 3074 0  
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
160 HC15IB No windows Discrete character 1 413 0  
161 HC15IC Windows with broken glass/no glass Discrete character 1 1848 0  
162 HC15ID Visible holes in the roof Discrete character 1 1938 0  
163 HC15IE Incomplete roof Discrete character 1 1551 0  
164 HC15IF Insecure door Discrete character 1 1900 0  
165 HC15IY None of the above Discrete character 1 28504 0  
166 HC15JA Narrow passages Discrete character 1 3355 0  
167 HC15JB Too many power cables Discrete character 1 656 0  
168 HC15JY None of the above Discrete character 1 29540 0  
169 mline Mother's line number Continuous numeric 8.0 9663 23610  
170 fline Father's line number Continuous numeric 8.0 9663 23610  
171 helevel Education of household head Discrete numeric 8.0 33273 0  
172 HL5Nova Age in the calendar year 2005 Continuous numeric 8.2 33273 0  
173 melevel Mother's education Discrete numeric 8.0 9663 23610  
174 deca Indicator if there are children under 5 un the HH Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0  
175 felevel Father's education Discrete numeric 8.0 9661 23612  
176 wlthscor Wealth index score Continuous numeric 11.5 33273 0  
177 wlthind5 Wealth index quintiles Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0  
178 hhweight Weight for HH Continuous numeric 8.5 33273 0  
Generated: MAR-07-2008 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit