Variable ED3B : Highest grade at level

Type: Continuous
Format: numeric
Width: 2
Decimal(s): 0
Range: 0-99
Valid case(s): 26886 (25628.1)
Invalid: 6387 (2534.9)
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 99

File: hl

De jure household members (usual residents)
Source of information
Head of household or other responsible household member


Value Category
55 First grade, but did not attend preschool
97 Inconsistent
98 DK
99 Missing
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

For household members age 5 and above
Literal question
What is the highest grade (name) completed at this level?
Interviewer instructions
For each household member age five or older, ask ED2 and ED3. These questions ask about educational attainment for all household members in this age group. (If children younger than five attend school or pre-school, this information will be recorded in the Questionnaire for Children Under Five.) Any adult member of the household may provide this information for those not present. 


If the person has been to school, record the highest level of schooling attended by circling the code for the response. You may need to probe for the type of school attended. Circle '8' if the respondent  'Doesn't know'.

Enter the highest grade completed or '98' for 'DK' ('Doesn't know'). If less than one grade, enter '00'. For instance, if a person has attended primary school but did not complete the first grade, then the level for this person will be circled as '1', and the grade will be entered as '00'.

Similarly, for a child who is attending grade 5 in primary school at the time of the interview, the level will be coded as '1' and the grade as '4', since this person has not yet completed grade 5.
Generated: MAR-07-2008 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit