Variable HC15G : Evicted during past 15 years

Type: Discrete
Format: numeric
Width: 1
Decimal(s): 0
Range: 1-9
Valid case(s): 33273 (28163)
Invalid: 0 (0)
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 9

File: hl

De jure household members (usual residents)
Source of information
Head of household or other responsible household member


Value Category Cases Weighted
1 Yes, once 2298 1939 6.9%
2 Yes, more than once 1592 1094 3.9%
3 No 29289 25034 88.9%
9 Missing 94 97 0.3%
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

Literal question
Have you been evicted from your home at any time during the past 5 years?
Interviewer instructions
Ask the question as it is written and record the response. Note that the question refers not to the respondent, but to all household members. Record 'Yes' if any household members were evicted from their home at any time during the past 5 years.
Generated: MAR-07-2008 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit