

A comprehensive set of tools guide survey teams through every step of the MICS process – from overall planning, design and data collection in the field to data processing, analysis, interpretation, documentation and dissemination.

Survey design

Guidelines and templates facilitate planning and design of surveys and help avoid pitfalls in implementation

The design of a MICS survey will depend on an initial assessment of data needed for national and subnational monitoring priorities. The Global MICS Team, together with UNICEF’s country offices, support governments to undertake a meticulous data gap assessment, especially with respect to the type of data a MICS survey could produce. During the planning and design stages, a governing structure is established, including the formation of steering and technical committees that oversee implementation. Once the preparation of the country survey plan and survey budget are completed, fundraising activities can be carried out in a more formal manner.

The global MICS programme provides templates to support implementing agencies in identifying needed personnel, supplies and equipment and to draw up a timetable. Other tools are intended to support the customization of standard questionnaires to a national context,  estimation of an appropriate sample design and size that will be representative, and listing and mapping of households in the sample.

Planning the survey
MICS6 Survey Planning Tools
Tool name
Survey Plan Template (27 March 2021)
Survey Plan Template - Appendix A Budget Calculations Template (9 September 2019)
Survey Plan Template - Appendix B Protection Protocol (25 October 2016)
MICS Procurement instructions for recommended equipment (5 July 2022)
Listing and Fieldwork Duration, Staff and Supply Estimates Template (9 September 2019)
Terms of Reference for Steering Committee Template (14 October 2016)
Terms of Reference for Technical Committee Template (14 October 2016)
Terms of Reference for National MICS Consultant Template (27 March 2021)
Memorandum of Understanding (27 March 2021)
Memorandum of Understanding - Appendix Technical Collaboration (27 March 2021)
Questionnaires and indicator list
MICS6 Questionnaires
Tool name
Changes to MICS6 Questionnaires and Indicator List (3 March 2021)
Questionnaires and Modules (17 June 2020)
Household Questionnaire (17 June 2020)
Questionnaire for Individual Women(17 June 2020)
Questionnaire for Individual Men (17 June 2020)
Questionnaire for Children Under Five(14 July 2020)
Questionnaire for Children Age 5-17 (3 March 2021)
Questionnaire Form for Vaccination Records at Health Facility (17 June 2020)
Water Quality Testing Questionnaire (17 June 2020)
Guidelines for the Customisation of MICS6 Questionnaires (3 March 2021)
MICS6 Indicator List
Tool name
Indicators and Definitions (3 March 2021)
Sampling and mapping
MICS6 Sampling Tools
Tool name
MICS Sample Size Calculation Template (26 May 2017)
MICS Systematic Random Selection of Households Template (28 November 2019)
MICS Manual for Mapping and Household Listing (25 February 2019)
MICS Sample Weight Calculation Template (15 April 2020)
GPS Data Collection: Manuals and Questionnaire
Tool name
GPS Data Collection – Manual (5 July 2022)
GPS Coordinator's Manual (5 July 2022)
GPS Data Collection Questionnaire (12 August 2022)
GPS Operator's Manual (5 July 2022)
Reference document for GPS Data Collection
Tool name
GPS Data recording - example monitoring sheet (15 July 2022) 
Recommended GPS Device - Garmin eTrex 32x
Tool name
eTrex®‎ 22x/32x Owner’s Manual
Cluster Displacement Tool
Tool name
MICS GIS - How to install the MICS Geocode Plugin 1.2
MICS Geocode plugin 1.2
MICS GIS - How to use the MICS Geocode Plugin - 1.2
Preparing for fieldwork
MICS6 Fieldwork Preparation Tools
Tool name
Pre-test Report Template and CAPI Test Checklist (5 May 2017)
Main Fieldwork Training - Recommendations and Template Agenda (20 September 2017)
Data collection

Fieldwork teams are trained and deployed to sampled clusters of households

Depending on the sample size and the time allocated to undertake a survey, required numbers of fieldwork teams receive training in the administration of customized questionnaires used in the survey, utilization of digital technology for data collection, as well as on fieldwork procedures. The MICS programme recommends at least four weeks of training, supported by a regional expert as needed.

Fieldwork is usually completed within two to four months. Each survey team has a supervisor who oversees day-to-day operations and troubleshoots problems. Interviewers conduct face-to-face interviews with eligible respondents using tablets. Fieldwork teams also include a measurer, who is equipped and trained to measure the weights and heights of children under 5, assisted by a second team member. If a Water Quality Testing Questionnaire is included, the measurer is also responsible for water quality testing and completion of the questionnaire. Fieldwork teams use a number of tools and guidelines for quality assurance purposes – these include questionnaire editing guidelines and detailed instructions for all fieldwork team members.

Conducting fieldwork
MICS 6 Conducting Fieldwork
Tool name
MICS Manual for Water Quality Testing (23 May 2017)
MICS Manual for Anthropometry (26 June 2020)
Pictorials - WHO Household Energy Use Catalogue (September 2016)
Pictorials - JMP WHO/UNICEF Water and Sanitation (June 2005) 
MICS Instructions for Interviewers (3 March 2021)
MICS Instructions for Supervisors (11 December 2018)
Monitoring fieldwork
MICS 6 Monitoring Fieldwork
Tool name
MICS Field Check Tables (9 August 2017)
Data processing

Manuals explain step-by-step how data should be processed and edited; programs and templates are provided for entering, editing and tabulating data

Data processing tools for editing and processing data are customized by survey teams to reflect the customization that other survey tools have undergone – such as the questionnaires. Much of this work is carried out during the MICS data processing workshop.

Data from completed questionnaires are regularly shared with the centralised office. Field check tables are tabulated and continuous feedback is provided on the overall process and the progress of individual interviewers. 

Standard MICS CAPI applications
MICS 6 Standard MICS CAPI applications
Tool name
MICS6 Digital Data Collection Application (6 July 2020)
Manual and data editing guidelines
MICS 6 Manual and data editing guidelines
Tool name
MICS Digital Data Collection System Developers Guide (10 April 2018)
Checklist for Customizing MICS Data Processing Package (26 April 2018)
MICS Data Editing Guidelines (11 March 2020)
Internet File Streaming System (IFSS) Architecture (5 August 2019)
IFSS User Guide (5 August 2019)

Once all data are edited and considered ready for analysis, computer programs advance the process to the final results phase

For each topical area, computerised tabulation programs are provided. These are customised according to individual country questionnaires. Sample weights are added to the data and additional background variables – related to household characteristics, level of education, and wealth – are constructed. While finalizing the datasets, various techniques are employed to guarantee the anonymity of the data, to ensure the confidentiality of participating individuals and households.  

Tabulation plan
MICS 6 Tabulation plan
Tool name
MICS6 Tabulation Plan (3 March 2021)
SPSS syntax files
MICS 6 SPSS syntax files
Tool name
MICS6 SPSS Syntax files (9 May 2022)

Templates are provided for the survey findings report and statistical snapshots

Soon after the tabulations are finalized, survey teams start work on reporting. Teams work on a survey findings report and statistical snapshots. These are drafted at a third MICS workshop, done at the country-level – on data interpretation and report compilation. The draft survey findings report and statistical snapshots go to national committees for review and finalization. These are also reviewed by UNICEF at regional offices and at headquarters. 

Model reports
MICS 6 Model reports
Tool name
Survey Findings Report (5 July 2021)
Survey Findings Report Cover Template (6 September 2018)
Survey Findings Report & Snapshot Guidelines (5 July 2021)
Survey Findings Report Cover Template Instructions (6 September 2018)
Guidance on creating statistical snapshots
Watch these tutorial videos to learn how to customize the statistical snapshots.
Tool name
Chapter 1: Overview to the Snapshots
Chapter 2: How to customize the Snapshots
Chapter 3: How to customize specific graph chart types
Chapter 4: Summary
Statistical snapshots
MICS 6 Statistical snapshots
Tool name
All statistical snapshots (9 March 2021)
Adolescents (9 March 2021)
Birth Registration (5 March 2020)
Child Discipline (9 March 2021)
Child Functioning (9 March 2021)
Child Health & Care of Illness (9 March 2021)
Child Labour (5 March 2020)
Child Marriage (9 March 2021)
Early Childhood Development (9 March 2021)
Education (9 March 2021)
Fertility & Family Planning (9 March 2021)
Female Genital Mutilation (9 March 2021)
Gender Equality (9 March 2021)
HIV & Sexual Behaviour (9 March 2021)
Infant and Young Child Feeding (9 March 2021)
Early Grade Learning & Parental Involvement (9 March 2021)
Maternal & Newborn Health (9 March 2021)
Mass Media, Communications & Internet (9 March 2021)
Child Mortality (9 March 2021)
Nutritional Status of Children (9 March 2021)
Sample & Survey Characteristics (9 March 2021)
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (9 March 2021)