




Yemen Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2006


Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women


MICS 2006

Translated Title

Yemen Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2006

Survey Type

Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - Round 3 [hh/mics-3]

Series Information

The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, Round 3 (MICS3) is the third round of MICS surveys, previously conducted around 1995 (MICS1) and 2000 (MICS2).  Many questions and indicators are consistent and compatible with the prior round of MICS (MICS2) but less so with MICS1, although there have been a number of changes in definition of indicators between rounds.  Details can be found by reviewing the indicator definitions.


Version Description

Version 1.0: edited data used for final report

Production Date




The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is a household survey programme developed by UNICEF to assist countries in filling data gaps for monitoring human development in general and the situation of children and women in particular.  MICS is capable of producing statistically sound, internationally comparable estimates of social indicators. The current round of MICS is focused on providing a monitoring tool for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the World Fit for Children (WFFC), as well as for other major international commitments, such as the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on HIV/AIDS and declarations issued by the League of Arab States and related institutions and organizations concerned about child rights in Arab countries, and the Cairo Declaration “Towards an Arab World Fit for Children”, and the Second Arab Work Plan for Children (2004-2015) that was adopted at the Arab Summits.

The 2006 Yemen Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey has as its primary objectives:

To provide up-to-date information for assessing the situation of children and women in Yemen;

To furnish data needed for monitoring progress toward goals established in the Millennium Declaration, the goals of A World Fit For Children (WFFC), and other internationally agreed upon goals, as a basis for future action;

To contribute to the improvement of data and monitoring systems in Yemen and to strengthen technical expertise in the design, implementation, and analysis of such systems.

Survey Content

MICS questionnaires are designed in a modular fashion that can be easily customized to the needs of a country.  They consist of a household questionnaire, a questionnaire for women aged 15-49 and a questionnaire for children under the age of five (to be administered to the mother or caretaker). Other than a set of core modules, countries can select which modules they want to include in each questionnaire.

Survey Implementation

The survey was implemented by the Ministry of Health and Population, with the support and assistance of UNICEF and PAPFAM.  Technical assistance and training for the surveys was provided through a series of regional workshops, covering questionnaire content, sampling and survey implementation; data processing; data quality and data analysis; report writing and dissemination.

Kind of Data

Sample survey data [ssd]

Unit of Analysis

Households (defined as a group of persons who usually live and eat together)

De jure household members (defined as memers of the household who usually live in the household, which may include people who did not sleep in the household the previous night, but does not include visitors who slept in the household the previous night but do not usually live in the household)

Ever-married women aged 15-49

Children aged 0-4


Description of Scope

The Yemen Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey included the following modules in the questionnaires:

HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE : Household listing, Education, Water and Sanitation, Housing characteristics, Child labor, Child discipline, and Disability.

WOMEN'S QUESTIONNAIRE: Women's characteristics, Marriage, Child mortality, Birth history, Tetanus Toxid, Maternal and newborn health, Contraception and unmet need, and HIV and AIDS.

CHILDREN'S QUESTIONNAIRE: Children's characteristics, Birth registration and early education, Child development,  Care for illness, and Immunization.

Topic Classifications

Household members
Water and sanitation
Household characteristics
Child labour
Child discipline
Women's background
Child mortality
Birth history
Tetanus toxoid
Maternal and newborn health
Contraception and unmet need
Children's background
Birth registration
Early education
Child development
Care of illness


Geographic Coverage

The survey is nationally representative and covers the whole of Yemen, excluding islands and the nomadic population.


The survey covered all de jure household members (usual residents), ever-married women aged 15-49 years resident in the household, and all children aged 0-4 years (under age 5) resident in the household.

Producers and Sponsors

Primary Investigator(s)

Ministry of Health (MoPH & P)

Other Producers

PAPFAM - Pan Arab Project for Family Health (League of Arab States): Technical assistance
UNICEF/SIS/DPP/NYHQ - Strategic Information Section, Division of Policy and Planning, UNICEF NYHQ (UNICEF): International technical assistance
UNICEF CO - UNICEF, Yemen Country Office (UNICEF): Technical assistance


UNICEF - UNICEF : Funding of survey implementation and analyses

Metadata Production

Metadata produced by:

James, Rhiannon (UNICEF): Producer of Yemen MICS 2006 Archive
Pan Arab Project for Family Health (PAPFAM): Producer of Yemen MICS 2006 Archive
Bjelic, Ivana (Data Archiving Consultant): Producer of Yemen MICS 2006 Archive
TNC - Croft, Trevor (Blancroft Research International): Producer of generic template
UNICEF - Holmberg, Emma (UNICEF): Customization of the Yemen MICS3 Archive for childinfo.org

Date of metadata publication


DDI Document Version

Yemen MICS 2006 v0.9

DDI Document ID

Generated: MAY-27-2009 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit