Variable CM12 : Live birth in last 2 years

Type: Discrete
Format: character
Width: 1
Valid case(s): 3912 (3924.3)
Invalid: 0 (0)

File: wm

Women aged 15-49
Source of information
Control fields completed by interviewer


Value Category
N No
Y Yes

Check CM11:  Did the woman's last birth occur within the last 2 years, that is, since (day and month of interview in 2003)?

If child has died, take special care when referring to this child by name in the following modules.

No live birth in last 2 years. Go to MARRIAGE/UNION module.

Yes, live birth in last 2 years. Continue with CM13

Name of child_______________________
Interviewer instructions
If the respondent's last birth occurred in the last 2 years, enter the name of the child on the line provided and check the box marked 'Yes'. Then continue with CM13. If the respondent's last birth did not occur in the last 2 years, check the box marked 'No' and go to the Marriage/Union module.
Generated: MAY-27-2009 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit