Variable CA5 : Child ill with cough in last 2 weeks

Type: Discrete
Format: numeric
Width: 1
Decimal(s): 0
Range: 1-9
Valid case(s): 3783 (3782.9)
Invalid: 135 (160.7)
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 9

File: ch

Children aged 0-4
Source of information
The mother or caretaker of the child aged 0-4.


Value Category
1 Yes
2 No
8 DK
9 Missing

Literal question
Has (name) had an illness with a cough at any time in the last two weeks, that is, since (day of the week) of the week before last?
Interviewer instructions
Illness with a cough means a cold or other acute respiratory illness with a cough. 

Circle the code corresponding to the response given. If the respondent says "He coughs all the time," or "She's been coughing for months," do not count this as an 'illness with a cough' since it is a chronic problem. If the answer is 'No' or 'DK', circle the appropriate code and go to CA12. If the symptoms started before but continued into the 2-week period, this counts as 'Yes'.
Generated: MAY-27-2009 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit