Variable SB2N : Time since last sex (number)

Type: Continuous
Format: numeric
Width: 2
Decimal(s): 0
Range: 0-99
Valid case(s): 1310 (1005.6)
Invalid: 6585 (6913)
Minimum: 0
Maximum: 99

File: wm

Women aged 15-24
Source of information
The eligible woman selected for interview


Value Category
97 Inconsistent
98 DK
99 Missing
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.

Literal question
When was the last time you had sexual intercourse?
Record 'years ago' only if last intercourse was one or more years ago. If 12 months or more the answer must be recorded in years.
Interviewer instructions
By 'the last time you had sexual intercourse' we are referring to the respondent's most recent act of sexual intercourse. 

In most cases you will record the respondent's answer by using the same units of measure she used in her response. For example, if she says '3 weeks ago', circle '2' and write '03' in the boxes next to 'Weeks ago'. If she says "4 days ago," circle '1' and write '04' next to 'Days ago'. If the respondent says "last night," circle '1' and write '00' for 'Days ago'. If the respondent answers with a month, for example, if she says "it was in December," count the number of months and record months. It may be helpful to write the name of the month in the questionnaire. All responses within the last 12 months will be recorded in months, weeks or days. 

If the response is 12 months or more, circle '4' and record the answer in years. The 'Years ago' row should be used only if the last intercourse was more than 1 year ago. There should never be a response recorded '00' 'Years Ago'. If the response is 12 months or more, go to the next module.

While this question is a simple one, respondents who have not had sexual intercourse recently are likely to round off their answers, and it will be up to you to learn from respondents whether they last had sex more or less than a year ago. For example, a woman with no regular sexual relationships may engage in sexual intercourse on an irregular basis. Perhaps the last time she had sexual intercourse was during a trip she took 10 months ago; she will be more likely to respond "about a year ago," rather than count how many months ago it was. Therefore, you will need to probe all responses of 'a year ago' with: "DO YOU REMEMBER WHICH MONTH IT WAS?" In this way, we will be able to determine whether the respondent actually had intercourse within the last year or more than a year ago. Respondents who last had sexual intercourse, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 or 15 months ago may all give responses of 'a year ago'; it will be up to you to clarify when it actually was. Asking the respondent "WAS IT MORE OR LESS THAN A YEAR AGO" is not a very good probe for this question; it would be best to ask, "DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT MONTH IT WAS?"

If a woman has not yet resumed intercourse since she had her last child, check CM11 for the month and year of birth of her last child, and ask how long before the birth of that child she had sex the last time.
Generated: MAR-07-2008 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit