Variable HC15HC : River bank

Type: Discrete
Format: character
Width: 1
Valid case(s): 573 (429.8)
Invalid: 0 (0)

File: hh

Source of information
Head of household or other responsible household member
Dwelling located in or near:
Observe, and circle all items that describe the location of dwelling.
Interviewer instructions
Questions HC15H, HC15I and HC15J are used to record information about the location, condition and immediate surroundings of the dwelling. The information obtained will be used to assess whether the household members are protected from hazards in their living environment, or from exposure to extremes of weather or climate.

Note that these questions will normally be completed based on your observations. 


Observe location of dwelling, and circle appropriate location code as instructed during training. More than one location code may be circled. If in doubt, or if you are not able to assess the location of the dwelling, ask your supervisor for assistance.

Circle the appropriate code if the dwelling is in or near a: 'Landslide area', 'Flood-prone area', 'River bank', 'Steep hill', 'Garbage mountain/pile', 'Industrial pollution area', 'Railroad', 'Power plant', or 'Flyover'. If none of these apply, circle 'Y' for 'None of the above'.
Generated: MAR-07-2008 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit