Group Education


VG17 - Early child development
VG18 - Early learning


# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
1 sr Teritory Discrete numeric 1.0 33273 0  
2 ED1 Line number Continuous numeric 2.0 33273 0  
3 ED2 Ever attended school Discrete numeric 1.0 29435 3838 Has (name) ever attended school or preschool?
4 ED3A Highest level of school attended Discrete numeric 1.0 26886 6387 What is the highest level of school (name) attended?
5 ED3B Highest grade at level Continuous numeric 2.0 26886 6387 What is the highest grade (name) completed at this level?
6 ED4 Currently attending school during the school year (2004-2005 Discrete numeric 1.0 7812 25461 During the (2004-2005) school year, did (name) attend school or preschool at any time?
7 ED5 Days attended school in last week Continuous numeric 1.0 5225 28048 Since last (day of the week), how many days did (name) attend school?
8 ED6A Level of education attended Discrete numeric 1.0 5225 28048 During this/that school year, which level and grade is/was (name) attending?
9 ED6B Grade of education attended Continuous numeric 2.0 5225 28048 During this/that school year, which level and grade is/was (name) attending?
10 ED7 Attended school last year (2003-2004) Discrete numeric 1.0 7812 25461 Did (name) attend school or preschool at any time during the previous school year, that is (2003-2004)?
11 ED8A Level of education attended last year Discrete numeric 1.0 5020 28253 During that previous school year, which level and grade did (name) attend?
12 ED8B Grade of education attended last year Continuous numeric 2.0 5020 28253 During that previous school year, which level and grade did (name) attend?
13 ED9 Preschool atentadncy in last 6 months Discrete numeric 1.0 475 32798 Did (name) attend pre-school institution for at least 2 hours in 6 months during last 12 ?
14 ED10 School distance Continuous numeric 3.0 5224 28049 What is the distance in kilometers from house/flat to school which (name of child) attends?
15 ED11 Type of transportation Discrete numeric 1.0 4939 28334 How does (name of child) usually go to school?
16 ED12 Monthly expenditure for transportation Continuous numeric 5.0 1239 32034 What is (name of child's) total monthly cost of transportation to school and back from school?
17 ED13 Time needed Continuous numeric 3.0 4939 28334  
18 mline Mother's line number Continuous numeric 8.0 9663 23610  
19 fline Father's line number Continuous numeric 8.0 9663 23610  
# Name Label Type Format Valid Invalid Question
20 helevel Education of household head Discrete numeric 8.0 33273 0  
21 melevel Mother's education Discrete numeric 8.0 9663 23610  
22 felevel Father's education Discrete numeric 8.0 9661 23612  
23 WM10 Have you ever attended school Discrete numeric 1.0 7516 379 Have you ever attended school?
24 WM11 What is the highest level of school you attended Discrete numeric 1.0 6935 960 What is the highest level of school you attended: primary, secondary, or higher?
25 WM12 What is the highest grade completed at that level Continuous numeric 2.0 6935 960 What is the highest grade you completed at that level?
26 WM14 Can read part of the sentence Discrete numeric 1.0 2946 4949 Now I would like you to read this sentence to me. Show sentences to respondent. If respondent cannot read whole sentence, probe: Can you read part of the sentence to me?
27 melevel Education Continuous numeric 8.0 7516 379  
28 BR6 Child attends early childhood education programme Discrete numeric 1.0 1484 2354 Does (name) attend any organized learning or early childhood education programme, such as a private or government facility, including kindergarten or community child care?
29 BR7 Hours attended education in last 7 days Continuous numeric 2.0 370 3468 Within the last seven days, about how many hours did (name) attend?
30 melevel Mother's education Continuous numeric 8.0 3838 0  
Generated: MAR-07-2008 using the IHSN Microdata Management Toolkit