

Test Your MICS Knowledge!
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  • Question 1 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    In the data quality table below, there is a high percentage (22.2%) with missing\/incomplete information for 'All women age 15-49 with at least one live birth with year of first birth unknown.' Does it suggest low quality data for this particular question of this particular survey?

    That's correct!

    That's correct!.The correct answer is: No.The number of completed years since first birth is asked only from women who do not know the exact year of their first birth. From the table, there are only 18 women with at least one live birth with year of first birth unknown. Among these, 22.2 percent (i.e. only 4 women) did not know how many years passed since their first birth. Overall, there are few cases where women did not know the year of the first birth and only 4 were unable to provide the completed number of years since the first birth. This suggests that data quality on this aspect is not low. 

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect.The correct answer is: No.The number of completed years since first birth is asked only from women who do not know the exact year of their first birth. From the table, there are only 18 women with at least one live birth with year of first birth unknown. Among these, 22.2 percent (i.e. only 4 women) did not know how many years passed since their first birth. Overall, there are few cases where women did not know the year of the first birth and only 4 were unable to provide the completed number of years since the first birth. This suggests that data quality on this aspect is not low.

    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 2 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    If a husband says during the Household Questionnaire interview that his wife is 49 years old, but the wife responds during the Questionnaire for Individual Women interview that she is actually 50, do we still interview her and complete the Questionnaire for Individual Women?

    That's correct!

    hat's incorrect.The correct answer is: No. We do not interview the woman. The age of all household members is collected in the Household Questionnaire using the household respondent. In this case, when answering the questions in the Household Questionnaire, the husband is a proxy respondent on information pertaining to his wife. However, the information obtained during individual interviews always overrules information provided by proxy respondents. Therefore, the interviewer should politely stop the interview, cancel the Questionnaire for Individual Women and make necessary corrections to the Household Questionnaire. The interviewer should also insert a short note on the back of the Household Questionnaire, but also keep the incomplete and cancelled questionnaire as part of the cluster documents (if needed for inspection during future data processing and for reference purposes)

    Your answer is incorrect
    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 3 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    What is wrong with the following statement: 'UNICEF conducted MICS surveys in Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe, Benin and Guinea-Bissau in 2014. Technical support to these surveys was coordinated by the UNICEF Regional Office for Western and Central Africa

    That's correct!

    That's correct! The correct answer is: 
    UNICEF does not conduct MICS surveys, government implementing agencies do. UNICEF's role is to support countries to implement surveys by providing technical assistance through the Country, Regional and Headquarter Offices of UNICEF. These countries are in fact in the Western and Central Africa Region of UNICEF and technical support to these countries for MICS implementation comes from the Western and Central Africa Regional Office of UNICEF.

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect.The correct answer is: UNICEF does not conduct MICS surveys, government implementing agencies do. UNICEF's role is to support countries to implement surveys by providing technical assistance through the Country, Regional and Headquarter Offices of UNICEF. These countries are in fact in the Western and Central Africa Region of UNICEF and technical support to these countries for MICS implementation comes from the Western and Central Africa Regional Office of UNICEF.

    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 4 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    Who is eligible for the Questionnaire for Individual Women in MICS?

    That's correct!

    That's correct.The correct answer is: All women age 15-49.All women age 15-49 in a household are eligible for the Questionnaire for Individual Women. Each of these women should be interviewed, regardless of their marital status or the number of children they have, when these children were born or where they are living.

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect..The correct answer is: All women age 15-49 All women age 15-49 in a household are eligible for the Questionnaire for Individual Women. Each of these women should be interviewed, regardless of their marital status or the number of children they have, when these children were born or where they are living

    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 5 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    Is the following statement True or False: 'MICS is only conducted in households where at least one child is a household member

    That's correct!

    That's correct!The correct answer is: False. MICS surveys are conducted in all sampled households, regardless of whether a child is a household member.

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect. The correct answer is: False. MICS surveys are conducted in all sampled households, regardless of whether a child is a household member.

    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 6 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    The Executive Director of UNICEF at the time of the launch of the global MICS programme was:

    That's correct!

    That's correct! The correct answer is: James P. Grant.

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect. The correct answer is: James P. Grant.

    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 7 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    Which of the following topics is currently not covered in MICS?

    That's correct!

    That's correct! The correct answer is: Household income/consumption. Household income/consumption is currently not part of the MICS programme. In fact, the topic has never been part of the programme. Attempts to develop abridged modules that would capture household consumption did not end with satisfactory validation. All other topics mentioned are included in the standard MICS questionnaires.

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect. The correct answer is: Household income/consumption. Household income/consumption is currently not part of the MICS programme. In fact, the topic has never been part of the programme. Attempts to develop abridged modules that would capture household consumption did not end with satisfactory validation. All other topics mentioned are included in the standard MICS questionnaires.

    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 8 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    An analyst sees that the frequency of an indicator he produced from the dataset does not match the MICS final report. Which of the following could be the reason for this?

    That's correct!

    That's correct! The correct answer is: The frequencies were produced without the correct sample weights. To reproduce the indicator values in a MICS final report, the appropriate sample weights must be applied to the datasets.

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect. The correct answer is: The frequencies were produced without the correct sample weights. To reproduce the indicator values in a MICS final report, the appropriate sample weights must be applied to the datasets.

    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 9 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    Which of the following island nations has never had a MICS implemented?

    That's correct!

    That's correct! The correct answer is: Cape Verde. While Cape Verde has never conducted a MICS survey, many other island populations have been covered by MICS surveys, especially in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect. The correct answer is: Cape Verde. While Cape Verde has never conducted a MICS survey, many other island populations have been covered by MICS surveys, especially in the Caribbean and the Pacific.

    You must select at least one answer
  • Question 10 of 10
    Your score: 0 / 10

    Is the following statement True or False: 'All MICS Surveys are representative at the national level

    That's correct!

    That's correct! The correct answer is: False. Some MICS surveys only cover a specific population group in a country, such as the Roma population in Serbia, or the Palestinians in Lebanon, and some others cover only a certain geographical area within a country, such as the Sindh province in Pakistan or the Dakar survey in Senegal.

    Your answer is incorrect

    That's incorrect. The correct answer is: False. Some MICS surveys only cover a specific population group in a country, such as the Roma population in Serbia, or the Palestinians in Lebanon, and some others cover only a certain geographical area within a country, such as the Sindh province in Pakistan or the Dakar survey in Senegal..

    You must select at least one answer
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/ 10

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