Publications and media
Browse through the topics to access selected academic publications and research studies that have used MICS data. Topics are organized by broad categories which relate to indicators included in the majority of MICS surveys.
Cárcamo-Zepeda E, Valdés-Méndez JA, Torres-Guffanti A, Valencia PD, Cruz-Caraguay M, Rivera-Cazaño CV.
Salud Publica Mex. 2024. (February 12, 2024)
Nagwa Farag Elmighrabi, Catharine A. K. Fleming, Kingsley E. Agho
Nutrients 2024, 16, 473. (February 06, 2024)
Radha Sharma, Mona Kanaan, Kamran Siddiqi
Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2024;, ntae016 (February 1, 2024)
Abdellatif Moussouni, Adel Sidi Yakhlef, Houari Hamdaoui & Zakia Litim
Biodemography Soc Biol. 1-13, (January 23, 2024)
Pemphero Norah Mphamba, Gowokani Chijere Chirwa, Jacob Mazalale
SSM - Population Health 25, 101606 (January 12, 2024)
Shimlin Jahan Khanam, Md Nuruzzaman Khan
PLoS ONE 18(11): e0287828 (November 30, 2023).
María E Herrera Vegas, María E Zapata, María C Nessier, Agustina Marconi, Alicia Rovirosa, Paula Gómez
Arch Argent Pediatr: e202310081 (November 23, 2023)
Peter F. Halpin, E. Filipa de Castro, Nicole Petrowski, Claudia Cappa
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 67, 1-12 (November 18, 2023)
Ann C Miller, David Flood, Scott Tschida, Katherine Douglas, Peter Rohloff
Lancet Glob Health 2024; 12: e90–99 (November 10, 2023)
Eric Emerson and Gwynnyth Llewellyn
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 67, 12, 1200-1215 (November 08, 2023)
Noudéhouénou Credo Adelphe Ahissou, Daisuke Nonaka, Rie Takeuchi, Calvin de los Reyes, Manami Uehara, Phongluxa Khampheng, Sengchanh Kounnavong & Jun Kobayashi
Tropical Medicine and Health 51, 56 (October 23, 2023)…
Ali, M. V., Nasir, K., Tariq, J., & Sajid, Y.
Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 12(3), 536-540. (October 20, 2023)