13 May 2019

Sector experts come together to reflect on survey findings during workshop.

Mongolia is among the few countries that have conducted Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) in all six rounds of the MICS programme. In December 2018, as part of MICS6, Mongolia carried out the Social Indicator Sample Survey (SISS), a three-month long data collection that covered a sample of 14,500 households. The National Statistics Office (NSO) of Mongolia and UNICEF jointly organized a “Data Interpretation and Report Compilation (DIRC)” workshop during the first week of April 2019 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, the world’s coldest capital. In line with MICS guidelines, the workshop gave experts the opportunity to reflect on the survey’s findings, thus ensuring they play a bigger role in the finalization and release of the report. 

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In order to facilitate the review and interpretation of the survey’s new findings, participants were grouped according to their expertise, and NSO or MICS team members facilitated the discussions. Group members were curious and anxious to see the new data and contributed to the teams’ understanding of the survey findings. At times, it was a challenge for facilitators to manage the groups’ enthusiasm and excitement. The experts also commented on some of the Mongolian translations used in the tabulations during the workshop.