MICS surveys estimate under-nourishment in a population by comparing anthropometric measurements of children to a reference population. The reference population used in MICS1, MICS2 and MICS3 survey rounds was the WHO/CDC/NCHS reference -- recommended for use by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) at the time.
In April 2006, WHO introduced new Child Growth Standards for children 0-60 months. Surveys conducted in MICS4 and MICS5 rounds included z-scores (standard deviation units) of both the WHO/CDC/NCHS and the new WHO child growth definitions.
For MICS3 surveys, a file containing the new z-scores according to the new WHO Child Growth Standards for each under-five child measured for height and weight has been created and added to the respective compressed dataset winzip folder. This file can be merged onto the dataset of children under the age of five (ch.sav).
All updated MICS3 datasets can be found on the Surveys page.