The survey summary findings report and datasets are now available.
Access the MICS Afghanistan summary findings report.
Access the MICS Afghanistan datasets.
If you are not registered to access available datasets, please register here
Promoting interoperability among data systems. MICS Link is a suite of methods designed to facilitate the integration of household survey data with data from other sources like routine administrative records.
Unleash the potential of the MICS Tabulator to unlock insights. Dive into microdata analysis across diverse geographies, survey rounds and key data attributes.
IPUMS MICS harmonizes the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS ) implemented by countries under the program developed by UNICEF
View and download visualizations of important metadata on MICS , from numbers and distributions of surveys to sample sizes and survey coverage, since the beginning of the programme.
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Familiarize yourself with some of the terms commonly used in the world of MICS surveys. Use the alphabet on the right to navigate through key abbreviations or click below to enter the full list.
Welcome to the MICS museum. Here, you can browse some of the significant documents of interest from the earlier years of the MICS programme.
MICS engages in methodological testing of new modules, approaches to measurement and further analysis to assess the quality of data collected in surveys.
The survey summary findings report and datasets are now available.
Access the MICS Afghanistan summary findings report.
Access the MICS Afghanistan datasets.
If you are not registered to access available datasets, please register here