The MICS programme organised the “Children's Lives: International Conference on Children and their Families, Using the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys” in collaboration with the Bristol Poverty Institute. The conference took place on September 2nd and 3rd, 2024, at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.
In 2004, an international conference on MICS was organised by UNICEF in collaboration with the Graduate Program on International Affairs at the New School. Twenty years later, UNICEF collaborated with the Bristol Poverty Institute to organise a second international MICS conference, with a broader set of themes and a larger number of contributions from academia, government, NGOs, UN agencies and household survey experts.
The conference also started the celebrations of the 30 years of MICS implementation around the world, with presentations based on analyses of MICS microdata in developing and developed country contexts, emergency situations and fragile states, and presentations on household survey methodology – all across a wide range of themes related to children.
The conference had a hybrid format on both days (2nd and 3rd of September), with plenaries and presentation sessions in Bristol and online. Online participation in the sessions in Bristol was also possible.
Conference Programme and Recordings
The conference programme and abstracts of all presentations are available in the Download section at the bottom of this page.
On both days of the conference, multiple parallel sessions were held. Hybrid sessions in Bristol were designated as B1 and B2 in the conference programme, while online-only sessions were designated as O1 and O2.
Both online sessions (O1 and O2) and sessions in Bristol (B1 and B2) were recorded. Please see the Programme Outline and the links to video recordings below.
Notes: Numbers preceding each presentation denote the submission numbers assigned by the Organizers to each presentation. Names of chairs and co-chairs, presenters, and presentation titles below reflect the actual conference programme as reflected in the recordings from the sessions, which may differ from the agenda disseminated before the start of the Conference.
Monday, 2 September 2024
08:30–09:30 Welcoming Session
Speakers: David Gordon, Enrique Delamónica
10:00–12:00 Parallel Sessions
S01 | Geographic and Spatial Analysis I (B1) Chair and Co-Chair: Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen, Achraf Mrabet
S02 | Education and Learning I (O1) Chair and Co-Chair: Turgay Unalan, Ivana Bjelic
S03 | Immunisation (O2) Chair and Co-Chair: Yadigar Coskun, Pierre Martel
13:30–14:30 Parallel Sessions
S04 | Living Arrangements, Child Outcomes and Life Satisfaction (B1) Chair and Co-Chair: Stephanie Kauv, David Gordon
S05 | Nutrition I (B2) Chair and Co-Chair: Gustavo Nicolas Paez Salamanca, Pierre Martel
S06 | Female Genital Mutilation (O1) Chair and Co-Chair: Jayachandran Vasudevan, Tatjana Karaulac
S07 | Water & Sanitation I (O2) Chair and Co-Chair: Nazim Gashi, Eva Quintana
14:45–15:45 Parallel Sessions
S08 | Climate, Conflict, Resilience (B1) Chair and Co-Chair: Tatjana Karaulac, Achraf Mrabet
S09 | Data Use, Evaluation, and Policy Analysis (B2) Chair and Co-Chair: Turgay Unalan, Enrique Delamonica
S10 | Child Functioning: Anxiety and Depression (O1) Chair and Co-Chair: Gustavo Nicolas Paez Salamanca, Yadigar Coskun
S11 | Inequality, Children in Poverty and Social Protection I (O2) Chair and Co-Chair: Ranto Ramananjato, Jayachandran Vasudevan
16:15–17:30 Parallel Sessions
S12 | Geographic and Spatial Analysis II (B1) Chair and Co-Chair: David Gordon, Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen
S13 | Child Labour I (O1) Chair and Co-Chair: Deepak Kumar Dey, Turgay Unalan
S14 | Nutrition II (O2) Chair and Co-Chair: Ivana Bjelic, Stephanie Kauv
Tuesday, 3 September 2024
09:00–10:30 Parallel Sessions
S15 | Inequality, Children in Poverty and Social Protection II (B1) Chair and Co-Chair: Stephanie Kauv, Enrique Delamonica
S16 | Water & Sanitation II (B2) Chair and Co-Chair: Liliana Carvajal Velez, Nazim Gashi
S17 | Early Childhood Development (O1) Chair and Co-Chair: Jayachandran Vasudevan, Turgay Unalan
S18 | Health Seeking Behavior, Curative Care, Respiratory Health and Malaria I (O2) Chair and Co-Chair: Deepak Kumar Dey, Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen
11:00–12:00 Parallel Sessions
S19 | Child Labour II (B1) Chair and Co-Chair: Tom Slaymaker, Eva Quintana
S20 | Adolescents, Living Arrangements, Interventions, and Strategies (B2) Chair and Co-Chair: Enrique Delamonica, Yadigar Coskun
S21 | Climate Change (O1) Chair and Co-Chair: Robert Bain, Ivana Bjelic
S22 | Reproductive Health (O2) Chair and Co-Chair: Nazim Gashi, Gustavo Nicolas Paez Salamanca
13:00–14:30 Plenary Session: Recent Initiatives of the MICS Programme (B1)
Chair and Co-Chair: Ivana Bjelic, Tatjana Karaulac
79. Comparing MICS indicators by degree of urbanisation and national urban/rural definitions - Nazim Gashi and Ahmet Sinan Türkyilmaz
269. A novel method to monitor the performance of interviewers - Pierre Martel
270. Populating standard questionnaires and enabling design of manageable surveys in the 7th round of MICS - Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen
15:00–16:00 Parallel Sessions
S23 | Education and Learning II (B1) Chair and Co-Chair: Achraf Mrabet, Jayachandran Vasudevan
S24 | Sampling, Representation, and Small Area Estimation (B2) Chair and Co-Chair: Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen, Tom Slaymaker
S25 | Child Protection: Birth Registration and Child Discipline (O1) Chair and Co-Chair: Eva Quintana, Enrique Delamonica
S26 | Health Seeking Behavior, Curative Care, Respiratory Health and Malaria II (O2) Chair and Co-Chair: Turgay Unalan, Nazim Gashi
16:00–17:00 Keynote Speech: MICS: Past, Present, and Future and Closing (B1)
Keynote Speaker: Attila Hancioglu
Closing Speech: David Gordon