Events, Publications


2–3 September 2024 

University of Bristol, United Kingdom

MICS Conference 2024
Events, Publications
19 August 2024
19 August 2024

The MICS programme organised the “Children's Lives: International Conference on Children and their Families, Using the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys” in collaboration with the Bristol Poverty Institute. The conference took place on September 2nd and 3rd, 2024, at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.

In 2004, an international conference on MICS was organised by UNICEF in collaboration with the Graduate Program on International Affairs at the New School. Twenty years later, UNICEF collaborated with the Bristol Poverty Institute to organise a second international MICS conference, with a broader set of themes and a larger number of contributions from academia, government, NGOs, UN agencies and household survey experts.

The conference also started the celebrations of the 30 years of MICS implementation around the world, with presentations based on analyses of MICS microdata in developing and developed country contexts, emergency situations and fragile states, and presentations on household survey methodology – all across a wide range of themes related to children.

The conference had a hybrid format on both days (2nd and 3rd of September), with plenaries and presentation sessions in Bristol and online. Online participation in the sessions in Bristol was also possible.  


Conference Programme and Recordings   

The conference programme and abstracts of all presentations are available in the Download section at the bottom of this page. 

On both days of the conference, multiple parallel sessions were held. Hybrid sessions in Bristol were designated as B1 and B2 in the conference programme, while online-only sessions were designated as O1 and O2.   

Both online sessions (O1 and O2) and sessions in Bristol (B1 and B2) were recorded. Please see the Programme Outline and the links to video recordings below.

Notes: Numbers preceding each presentation denote the submission numbers assigned by the Organizers to each presentation. Names of chairs and co-chairs, presenters, and presentation titles below reflect the actual conference programme as reflected in the recordings from the sessions, which may differ from the agenda disseminated before the start of the Conference.  

Monday, 2 September 2024

08:30–09:30 Welcoming Session      
Speakers: David Gordon, Enrique Delamónica 


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10:00–12:00 Parallel Sessions

Geographic and Spatial Analysis I (B1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen, Achraf Mrabet
  • 166. Estimating safely managed drinking water services using georeferenced cluster locations in Lao PDR - Esther E. Greenwood, Nazim Gashi, Nour El-Ajou, Thomas Lauber, and Timothy R. Julian
  • 210. Spatial variation in curative child healthcare utilisation in Sierra Leone: Integration of health facility assessment with household surveys - Pamela Bockarie, Jim Wright, Amos Channon, and Osman Sankoh
  • 213. KidSat: Satellite imagery to map childhood poverty dataset and benchmark - Makkunda Sharma, Fan Yang, Duy-Nhat Vo, Esra Suel, Swapnil Mishra, Samir Bhatt, Oliver Fiala, William Rudgard, and Seth Flaxman

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Education and Learning I (O1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Turgay Unalan, Ivana Bjelic
  • 152. Child fostering and school attendance in West Africa - Pearl S. Kyei 
  • 192. Are private schools equipping children with more foundational literacy and numeracy (FLN) skills than public schools in South Asia? - Rakibul Hassan
  • 127. Guiding education programming for the most disadvantaged children and adolescents in South Asia - Matt Brossard and Matthew Townshend
  • 241. Breaking the darkness: How multidimensional energy poverty affects child learning in developing countries - John Mefful, Elizabeth Nsenkyire, Jacob Nunoo, and Robert Naatey Angmor

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Immunisation (O2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Yadigar Coskun, Pierre Martel
  • 32. Examining wealth related inequality in childhood vaccination in Fiji using the UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2021 - Connie Lam, Md. Irteja Islam, Rachel Devi, Meru Sheel, and Alexandra Martiniuk
  • 133. Socioeconomic inequalities in immunisation of 12-23 months old children in Malawi: A decomposition analysis - Bridget Naphiyo, Jacob Mazalale, and Gowokani Chijere Chirwa
  • 25. Examining equity in never vaccinated under-five children: Insights from the sixth round of MICS survey in South Asia - Kanchan Thapa and Rita Adhikari

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13:30–14:30 Parallel Sessions

Living Arrangements, Child Outcomes and Life Satisfaction (B1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Stephanie Kauv, David Gordon
  • 45. Impact of adolescent motherhood, poverty, and childrearing on developmental outcomes in early childhood: Cross-sectional analysis of household surveys from Latin America and the Caribbean - Arachu Castro, Laura V. Sánchez-Vincitore, and Daniel Cubilla-Bonnetier
  • 255. Kinship structure, child gender and mother's life satisfaction in Malawi - Anna Barbeta, Susanna Oh, and Seema Jayachandran
  • 220. Protective factors for vulnerable children around the world using IPUMS MICS - Elizabeth Heger Boyle, Mehr Munir, and Anna Bolgrien

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Nutrition I (B2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Gustavo Nicolas Paez Salamanca, Pierre Martel
  • 96. Growth faltering and correlates of child food poverty in Bangladesh - Mohammad Shahnewaz Morshed, Deepika Sharma, and Mohd Aziz Khan
  • 143. Identifying shared determinants of the changing childhood stunting in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Malawi using a machine learning approach - Sozo Esther Kazembe, Ngianga II Kandala      
    Sasee Pallikadavath, and Lana Chikhungu
  • 6. Bayesian spatial modeling of anemia among children under 5 years in Guinea - Thierno Souleymane Barry, Oscar Ngesa, Nelson Owuor Onyango, and Henry Mwambi

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Female Genital Mutilation (O1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Jayachandran Vasudevan, Tatjana Karaulac
  • 145. Mother agency for daughter circumcision outcomes: Cultural moderation across two multi-country MICS studies - Arianna Gonzales, Providence Maxwell, Justin Trang, and Paul Strand
  • 124. Estimating the effect of maternal education on child health and female genital cutting using microdata from Africa - Raphael E. Ayibor and Stacey H. Chen

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Water & Sanitation I (O2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Nazim Gashi, Eva Quintana
  • 222. Economic impact of access to improved water and sanitation on diarrhoea reduction in early childhood in Argentina - Vanesa D’Elia and Matilde Karczmarczyk
  • 92. Epidemiology of menstrual-related absenteeism in 44 low and middle-income countries - Miranda Starr, Rebecca Harding, Ricardo Ataide, Naomi VonDinklage, Sheela S Sinharoy, Yasmin Jayasinghe, Lucinda Manda-Taylor, Jane Fisher, Sabine Braat, and Sant-Rayn Pasricha
  • 172. Inequalities in drinking water service levels in LMICs: insights from MICS surveys 2014-2023 - Robert Bain, Tom Slaymaker, and Richard Johnston

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14:45–15:45 Parallel Sessions

Climate, Conflict, Resilience (B1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Tatjana Karaulac, Achraf Mrabet
  • 245. Child climate risk and resilience in Africa - William Rudgard, Hernando Grueso, Oliver Fiala, Selam Petros, Ritapriya Bandyopadhyay, Seth Flaxman, Mandy Phuti, Stephanie Kauv, Eric Kengap, and Lucie Cluver
  • 97. The long-lasting effects of bombing on environmental management: Evidence from Kosovo - Elda Celislami

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Data Use, Evaluation, and Policy Analysis (B2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Turgay Unalan, Enrique Delamonica
  • 218. Uses of MICS data by the Planetary Child Health and Enterics Observatory (Plan-EO) - Josh Colston
  • 238.  Enhancing evaluative use of MICS data in Latin America and the Caribbean to inform programmes and policies - Michael Craft, Liliana Carvajal, Alejandra Beccaria, and Felipe Diaz
  • 248. Policy lessons from MICS data on children's status in self-reported BISP families in Punjab, Pakistan - Taj Muhammad

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Child Functioning: Anxiety and Depression (O1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Gustavo Nicolas Paez Salamanca, Yadigar Coskun
  • 178. Anxiety and depression among children in Bangladesh: The effect of mother and child's functional difficulties – Md. Hasibul Islam Jitu, Awan Afiaz, and Raaj Kishore Biswas
  • 83. Effect of parenting on child mental health: Empirical evidence from Ghana - Mohammed Gbanja Abdulai, Samuel Sekyi, and Naasegnibe Kuunibe
  • 193. "Twist and turns": Heterogeneity in socioeconomic inequality and determinants of depression and anxiety among children in SADC countries - Gowokani Chijere Chirwa {not presented during the conference}

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Inequality, Children in Poverty and Social Protection I (O2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Ranto Ramananjato, Jayachandran Vasudevan
  • 266. Multidimensional child poverty in Arab States: Regional trends and options for integrating disability and gender in the regional framework - Lucia Ferrone, Margherita Squarcina, Robert Bain, Jamil El Khoury, and Leonardo Menchini
  • 68. Multidimensional child poverty in Argentina using MICS data - Alejandra Beccaria, Sebastian Waisgrais, Carolina Aulicino, and Jorge Paz
  • 173. The impact of women's constraints on child deprivation in Lesotho - Monyatsi Fako and Ratjomose P Machema
  • 223. Quantifying economic disparities: A comprehensive asset index analysis from Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys in Pakistan (South Asia) - Tanveer Ahmed Naveed and David Gordon

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16:15–17:30 Parallel Sessions

Geographic and Spatial Analysis II (B1)

Chair and Co-Chair: David Gordon, Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen
  • 198. From provincial to national: Unlock the value of MICS surveys in Pakistan: A meta-analysis of MICS 2014-2022 - Achraf Mrabet, Faateh ud Din Ahmad, and Manar E. Abdel-Rahman
  • 47. Spatial heterogeneity and determinants of diarrhoea among under-five in Pakistan - Munazza Fatima and Ömer Ünsal
  • 9. Enhancing MICS surveys with satellite images and ethnographic evidence: A case study for Vietnam - Rolando Gonzales Martinez
  • 136. Using machine learning to understand the effectiveness of cash transfers in conflict settings - Hernando Grueso, William Rudgard, Oliver Fiala, Bothaina Eltigani, Isang Awah, Julius Baruwa, and Lucie Cluver

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Child Labour I (O1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Deepak Kumar Dey, Turgay Unalan
  • 244. Children as caregivers in low- & middle-income countries - Monica Ruiz-Casares, Samaneh Mansouri, Ruo Ying Feng, Negin Zamani, René Iwo, Magdalena Janus, Afua Twum-Danso Imoh, and José Ignacio Nazif-Muñoz
  • 153. Child work in developing countries: Revisiting the differences and similarities between income-generating and care and domestic work - Elena Camilletti, Franziska Gassman, Wim Groot, and Bruno Martorano
  • 7. Compulsory schooling and child labor: The role of structural factors - M. Utku Özmen and Belgi Turan

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Nutrition II (O2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Ivana Bjelic, Stephanie Kauv
  • 81. Levels, severity and determinants of stunting in children (0-59 months) in Afghanistan: Secondary analysis of Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), 2022-23 - Atma Prakash, Vani Sethi, Said M Yaqoob Azimi, Melanie Galvin, Zivai Murira, Gustavo Nicolas Paez Salamanca, and William Joe
  • 196. Prevalence and socio-demographic determinants in early initiation of breastfeeding in Eastern Europe and Central Asia countries: A multi-country analysis of Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys - Mohammad Nahid Mia, and Deepak Kumar Dey
  • 23. Food insecurity and early childhood development among children 24-59 months in Nigeria: A multilevel mixed effects modelling of the social determinants of health inequities - Otobo I. Ujah, Omojo C. Adaji, Innocent A.O. Ujah, and Russell S. Kirby
  • 254. Estimating the rates and predictors of exclusive breastfeeding among infants 0 to 5 months across the 261 districts in Ghana: The small area estimation approach - Justina Serwaah Owusu, Gloria Adobea Odei Obeng-Amoako, and Simon Onilimor

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Tuesday, 3 September 2024

09:00–10:30 Parallel Sessions

Inequality, Children in Poverty and Social Protection II (B1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Stephanie Kauv, Enrique Delamonica
  • 215. Health insurance among children with disabilities: Evidence from 34 Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys - Sara Rotenberg, Lena Morgon Banks, Shanquan Chen, and Hannah Kuper
  • 95. Cluster analyses of multidimensional poverty in Africa - Mary Zhang, Hans Ekbrand, Björn Halleröd, and David Gordon
  • 121. Improving the measurement in the MICS of social & material deprivation for children and their families - David Gordon
  • 86. Social protection, child poverty and resilience - Oliver Fiala
  • 115. Estimating monetary poverty among the Roma community in Serbia: Relating the Household Budget Survey and MICS - Franziska Gassmann, Francesco Iacoella, Julieta Morais, and Alexander Hunns

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Water & Sanitation II (B2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Liliana Carvajal Velez, Nazim Gashi
  • 253. MICS water quality module: Current work and future perspectives - Caetano Dorea, Robert Bain, Richard Johnston, and Tom Slaymaker
  • 264. Who hauls the water? An analysis of water carriage from MICS datasets - Richard Johnston and Tom Slaymaker
  • 268. What do we know about menstrual health in LMICS?: Analysis of data from MICS6 and lessons for MICS7 - Tom Slaymaker, Richard Johnston, Christie Chatterley, and Ayca Donmez
  • 100. The role of environmental hygiene in understanding drinking water quality: Sampling practices for MICS water quality surveys - Katrina Charles, Saskia Nowicki, Li Ann Ong, Dara Johnston, and Zahid Hayat Mahmud

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Early Childhood Development (O1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Jayachandran Vasudevan, Turgay Unalan
  • 105. Examining the dimensionality of ECDI2030 across countries: Findings from Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys round 6 - Zeyi Li, Nirmala Rao and Dana Charles McCoy
  • 147. Using MICS data extracted from IPUMS-MICS to assess multi-country effects in children’s learning - Alvaro Fortin
  • 165. Child’s functional difficulties and early childhood development in 22 sub-Saharan African countries: Moderating effect of parental stimulation - Hyejun Chi and Rockli Kim

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Health Seeking Behavior, Curative Care, Respiratory Health and Malaria I (O2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Deepak Kumar Dey, Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen
  • 3. Inequalities in women healthcare seeking behaviour for under-five children illness in Afghanistan: Evidence from 2022 Afghanistan Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - Conrad Murendo
  • 69. Multidimensional energy poverty and respiratory health in young children: An empirical evidence from 26 energy poor countries - Maryam Sadiq and Sidra Younas
  • 137. Coverage and inequality trends on ownership and usage of mosquito nets in 34 sub-Saharan African countries (2010-2023) - Tingkai Zhang, Shijiao Zhang, Shushu Wang, Maximilian Harnoth, Sol Richardson, and Zhicheng Wang

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11:00–12:00 Parallel Sessions

Child Labour II (B1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Tom Slaymaker, Eva Quintana
  • 191. Mother's age at marriage and offspring's involvement in child labour: A multi-country analysis across sub-Saharan Africa - Sopuruchukwu Obiesie, William Rudgard, Ritapriya Bandyopadhyay, Julius Baruwa, and Lucie Cluver
  • 101. Child labour statistics using MICS: Work & hazardous work estimates for 40 low- and middle-income countries - Deborah S. DeGraff, Deborah Levison, and Anna Bolgrien
  • 126. The effects of farming and livestock rearing on child labour in rural Bangladesh - Saki Nakamura and Akira Ishida

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Adolescents, Living Arrangements, Interventions, and Strategies (B2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Enrique Delamonica, Yadigar Coskun
  • 103. Equity analysis on the acceleration strategy for adolescent girls in Latin America and the Caribbean using MICS data: A multi-country analysis - Liliana Carvajal Velez, Shane Khan, and Rada Noeva
  • 204. Living arrangements and development outcomes of children in East Asia – An analysis and policy implications - Jayachandran Vasudevan, Muhammad Rafiq Khan, and Nataliya Borodchuk
  • 132. Social assistance and child/adolescent rights in Eastern and Southern Africa - Ritapriya Bandyopadhyay, William Rudgard, Silinganisiwe Dzumbunu, Shan Ni, Priscilla Idele, Hernando Grueso Hurtado, Rachel Yates, Lucie Cluver, and Elona Toska

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Climate Change (O1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Robert Bain, Ivana Bjelic
  • 226. Examining the nexus between child food poverty, nutrition and climate shocks using MICS and geospatial data in Zimbabwe - Tawanda Chingozha, Mara Nyawo, Rumbidza Tizora, and Richard Kumapley
  • 2. The impact of excessive heat on early childhood development - Jorge Cuartas, Andrés Camacho, Lenin H. Balza, and Nicolás Gómez

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Reproductive Health (O2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Nazim Gashi, Gustavo Nicolas Paez Salamanca
  • 151. Analysis of antenatal care, intrapartum care, and postnatal care utilization: Findings from the 2018 Iraqi Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - Sami Najmaddin Saeed, Sándor János, and Shayma Abd Ezat
  • 225. Trends and factors associated with contraception among married Palestinian women: A cross-sectional study from MICS 2010, 2014 and 2019/2020 - Rie Fuse, Mohammed B A Sarhan, Nao Wakabayashi, Raghda Khatab, and Rika Fujiya

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13:00–14:30 Plenary Session: Recent Initiatives of the MICS Programme (B1)
Chair and Co-Chair: Ivana Bjelic, Tatjana Karaulac
  • 79. Comparing MICS indicators by degree of urbanisation and national urban/rural definitions - Nazim Gashi and Ahmet Sinan Türkyilmaz
  • 269. A novel method to monitor the performance of interviewers - Pierre Martel
  • 270. Populating standard questionnaires and enabling design of manageable surveys in the 7th round of MICS - Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen

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15:00–16:00 Parallel Sessions

Education and Learning II (B1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Achraf Mrabet, Jayachandran Vasudevan
  • 59. Learning poverty in sub-Saharan Africa - Ray Langsten and Fatma Abdelkhalek
  • 236. A case for harmonizing parental education attainment variables in Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) - René Iwo, Ruo Ying Feng, José Ignacio Nazif-Muñoz, Magdalena Janus, Negin Zamani, and Mónica Ruiz-Casares
  • 163. Girls outperforming boys: Pre-school gender gap in literacy and numeracy skills in sub-Saharan Africa - Julie Buhl-Wiggers, Rebecca Thornton, and Irina Valenzuela

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Sampling, Representation, and Small Area Estimation (B2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Bo Robert Beshanski-Pedersen, Tom Slaymaker
  • 138. Small area estimation using MICS data: A methodological approach - Qianyu Dong, Yunhan Wu, Andrea Boskovic, Joshua Yang, Zihang Yu, Liliana Carvajal Velez, Nazim Gashi, Stephanie Kauv, Miaolei Bao, Jitong Jiang, Zehang Richard Li, and Jon Wakefield 
  • 42. Endogenous sample selection - Torsten Figueiredo Walter and Niclas Moneke
  • 272. Ensuring representation of children not co-residing with biological mothers in MICS - Ranto Ramananjato and Pierre Martel

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Child Protection: Birth Registration and Child Discipline (O1)

Chair and Co-Chair: Eva Quintana, Enrique Delamonica
  • 44. Problems with the MICS module measuring child exposure to discipline and violence in the home - John D. McLennan
  • 176. Do child disciplinary methods vary by household head education in Middle Eastern and North African countries? - Manar E. Abdel-Rahman and Abeer H. Abuqaoud
  • 55. Inequality of opportunity in Asia and the Pacific: Birth registration - Selahattin Selsah Pasali and Zilu Zhou

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Health Seeking Behavior, Curative Care, Respiratory Health and Malaria II (O2)

Chair and Co-Chair: Turgay Unalan, Nazim Gashi
  • 159. Effective coverage for child curative care using MICS data: A case study in the Democratic Republic of Congo - Roland Mady, Abdoulaye Maiga, and Agbessi Amouzou
  • 112. How Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys can be used to assess the uptake and use of long-lasting insecticidal nets over time in Togo - Gountante Kombate, M’belou Mazimna, Kamba Andre-Marie Soubeiga, Diederick E Grobbee, and Marianne A.B. van der Sande

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16:00–17:00 Keynote Speech: MICS: Past, Present, and Future and Closing (B1)
Keynote Speaker: Attila Hancioglu
Closing Speech: David Gordon


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