Data and Analytics section (of UNICEF HQ where MICS is housed)
Development Assistance Committee (of the OECD)
Danish International Development Agency within Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Design effect (usually written as deff)
Root design effect (the square root of deff and usually written as deft)
Deputy Representative (of a UNICEF CO)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (of the UN)
UN-supported database system to organise, store and display data in a uniform format. Found at devinfo.org
Data Processing (general information), MICS-related DP
Division of Policy and Practice (The former UNICEF HQ division where MICS was housed)
Division of Policy and Strategy (The former UNICEF HQ division where MICS was housed)
Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus combination vaccine
Data Quality
Division of Data, Research, and Policy (UNICEF HQ Division in which MICS is currently housed)