4 June 2019

Survey will be a major source of data on children's well-being

Participating in its third Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), Chad has begun collecting data it plans to use to set up baselines, define targets and monitor progress on its national and international commitments, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The country aims to gather up-to-date, reliable and disaggregated data in order to build a framework for monitoring national and international policies and commitments, among which are: (1) The Five-Year National Development Plan (NDP) for 2017-2021 and Vision 2030: ‘The Chad that we want’; (2) Development Assistance Framework for 2017-2021; and (3) the SDGs. The survey will represent a major source of data on children’s well-being in multiple domains, including health, nutrition, WASH, education and child protection.  

Data collection officially kicked off with an event in the capital, N’Djamena, on 3 April 2019 amid strong national government ownership and international partner backing – including UNICEF and the Global Fund. The launch, which aimed to strengthen the country-wide survey and encourage participation, was presided by the Minister Secretary of State at the Ministry of Finance and Budget, representing the Minister of Economy and Development Planning. The survey is implemented by the National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED). 

Survey teams will cover 1,200 households within N’Djamena for a period of about two weeks. Following this, fieldwork teams will be deployed to the 22 remaining provinces for about three-and-a-half months. For the first time, electronic tablets, CAPI methodology and the Internet File Streaming System (IFSS) technology will be utilized to streamline the process. One-hundred-fifty interviewers and measurers will be deployed to the field, covering the entire national territory. Overall, the survey will cover a sample of 20,100 households in 804 locales (quartiers and villages) over the span of four months.

Below are some photos from the first day of data collection in the capital city, N’Djamena.



(1) Interview with women, 15-49 years of age, in N’Djamena, 12 May 2019.




(2) Supervisor oversees the work of an interviewer in N’Djamena, 12 May 2019.




(3) Anthropometric measures taken, N’Djamena, 12 May 2019.